Meet our Intern: Feihu Li

For Feihu Li, his time at Global Integrity has been one of discovery. “I find Global Integrity’s work compelling,” Li, 35, said. “I have learned many things about transparency and accountability that I hope to bring to China.” An accomplished news editor at the Beijing headquarters of Chinese news agency Xinhua, Li is in the…

Is There a Case Against Citizen Feedback Loops?

Last week, I had a chance to attend the three-year stocktaking retreat for the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, an important donor collaborative comprising several leading foundations and non-governmental organizations active at the international level in promoting government transparency and accountability. During one of the discussions focused on the community's challenges around learning and evidence-based strategy,…

Egypt: Positive image, bright future

What’s the image of our country? This was just one among the many questions posed by participants at the “Solution in Institutions: Combating Corruption between the State and the Society” conference, held in Cairo, Egypt on Feb. 27 and organized by Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), working in partnership with the Federation of Economic…