By Marianne Camerer and Mark Davies — January 13, 2015.
Washington, D.C., 13 January, 2015: We are excited to announce the appointment of Alan Hudson as the new Executive Director of Global Integrity, following an open and intensive recruitment process.
Taking over the reins from Nathaniel Heller, co-founder and outgoing Executive Director of Global Integrity, is a big ask but Alan’s clear vision for the continued evolution of the organization, and his open and collaborative style, make him the ideal person to take on the challenge.
Alan joined Global Integrity as Managing Director for Policy and Advocacy in April 2014. His prior experience includes roles focused on understanding and improving governance with the ONE Campaign, the UK government’s Department for International Development, the Overseas Development Institute, the UK Parliament, and as an academic. Alan’s experience, knowledge, networks, skills and drive will ensure Global Integrity continues to make an ongoing, serious and sustained contribution to opening governance in countries around the world.
As he leads on the development of a new organizational strategy for Global Integrity, Alan will be reaching out to hear people’s views and to share his vision. Watch this space over the coming weeks and months for more news on how Global Integrity plans to maximize the impact of the open governance agenda by drawing on its institutional knowledge base and putting evidence and learning center-stage.
Marianne Camerer and Mark Davies, Co-Presidents on behalf of the Board of Global Integrity
Congratulations. Very exciting.
Congratulations. (y)
Mes félicitations au nouveau Directeur Exécutif de Global Integrity en la personne de Alan.