Michael Moses – Director of Advocacy and Programs, Global Integrity and Sue Soal
November 30, 2017
Learning to Make All Voices Count (L-MAVC), a program funded by Making All Voices Count, and implemented in collaboration with Global Integrity, supported six MAVC grantees working in five countries (Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, Philippines and Indonesia). We worked with our partners to co-create and apply a participatory, learning-centred, and adaptive approach to strengthening citizen engagement in governance processes in their contexts, including with respect to the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
Our partners documented L-MAVC in various ways over the life of the program, creating a rich and detailed body of evidence that tracked progress towards project outcomes, as well as the ways in which the adaptive learning methodology contributed to those outcomes.
We intentionally pursued a participatory approach in all dimensions of L-MAVC, including our bilateral engagements with grantees around their strategies and projects, the design and style of the open and responsive peer learning workshops (which brought project managers, donors and grantees together for equitable and inclusive exchanges), and consultation and participation in the production of videos and blogs on the program. We also worked with grantees to make participation integral to the very approach to citizen engagement that they promoted and nurtured in their contexts. In this way, and in its everyday practice, L-MAVC sought to quite literally ‘make all voices count.’
To capture their experiences on L-MAVC, grantees wrote their own case stories at the program’s end. Grantees generated these case stories during the final peer learning workshop through a facilitated, collaborative ‘writeshop’ process. We then worked together to further develop the case stories through a consultative editing process. The final cases capture key challenges, lessons, and achievements, of each individual project, and therefore offer rich stand-alone accounts of the learning journeys of L-MAVC grantees.
The case stories produced by grantees can be accessed under findings and materials, here. For more on L-MAVC, please see our website.