Where does pressure for public procurement transparency come from? Reflections from Uganda and Tanzania

Originally published on GI-ACE For years, the benefits of transparency as a policy tool to increase accountability and counter corruption have been lauded. In public procurement, this has given rise to a global movement promoting procurement data transparency, a.k.a. open contracting. Many governments have committed to making public procurement data more transparent and open for…

The challenges in researching enablers of the corrupt

Originally published on GI-ACE October 9 saw our GI-ACE project’s first workshop, with the aim of laying out the research done so far and seeking advice on future lines of enquiry from the project’s advisors and around 20 hand-picked experts. Coming from the worlds of journalism, civil society, politics, law enforcement, academia, and risk management, these experts…

Harnessing informality for anti-corruption practice: Shifting the unit of analysis from individuals to networks

Originally published on GI-ACE Why do some countries keep struggling with high levels of corruption in spite of adopting most, if not all, internationally recommended legal and institutional anti-corruption prescriptions? It is striking that some of the countries deemed the most corrupt also happen to boast some of the most extensive and comprehensive anti-corruption regimes…at…

members of Central African Coalition Against Kleptocracy engaged in discussion

Central African Coalition Against Kleptocracy takes different approach to tackling kleptocracy

Fighting kleptocrats at the international level is not enough Related Blog Beating kleptocrats at their own game: Learning how to tackle kleptocracy more effectively The complexity of kleptocracy (in which those governing seek status and personal gain at the expense of the governed) has implications for the approaches taken to address this particular corruption problem.…

Pairing field experimental and ethnographic methods to study anti-corruption

Originally Published on GI-ACE Different methods for studying anti-corruption and other governance priorities have different strengths and weaknesses. The promise of using multiple methods is that in combination they are likely to be more effective at producing insights about successful anti-corruption and governance strategies, particularly when context matters. The major strength of randomized field experiments…

A new map of financial transparency reform: 2000-2015

Originally published on GI-ACE On September 26, our GI-ACE project ran its first workshop, “Dark Architectures: Advancing Research on Global Wealth Chains.” Jointly hosted by the Centre for the Study of Corruption and the Tax Justice Network, this workshop brought together members of four different GI-ACE research teams and a number of other experts in the areas of anti-corruption and…