Global Integrity and the Rwanda Governance Advisory Council have released the final conclusions and recommendations from our jointly sponsored Dialogue Workshop held in Kigali earlier this year.
As part of our Global Integrity Dialogue series, Nathaniel and I traveled to Rwanda in May. In Kigali, we met with partners from the Rwanda Governance Advisory Council (RGAC), a government-affiliated think tank. RGAC had invited Global Integrity to convene a discussion around the possibilities for anti-corruption and transparency reforms in the country based on the Global Integrity Report: Rwanda. We were more than happy to oblige.
The workshop drew on the insights of senior government officials and lawmakers, the international donor community, journalists, and other local stakeholders to identify key policy priorities for increasing transparency and accountability in Rwanda. After two days of intense, in-person discussions and an open period for participant feedback following our trip, RGAC and Global Integrity have finalized a set of non-binding conclusions and recommendations. The recommendations reflect the governance reform priorities as identified by workshop participants. You can find the document on the Global Integrity Wikispace.
We want to thank all the workshop participants for their attendance and input. We look forward to continuing to work with RGAC in the future.
— Norah Mallaney
— Image: By oledoe (CC/by)