We are now happy to make the Global Integrity COVID-19, Fiscal Governance & Anti-Corruption Database open to all. It’s a resource that we hope will be as useful to others as it has been to us.
The database is organized in 14 columns that include tags to enable searching. Here are definitions and frequencies for each tag. Below are descriptions of the 14 columns and the information they contain:
The first seven columns provide general information for each resource including the title, a short summary, the link, the producer, the publishing date, the type of resource (e.g. webinar, blog, article, etc), and whether or not the piece is part of a recurring series.
The following three columns (level, region, and country) provide information about the geographical focus of the resource, and
The last four columns include tags that we created to allow you to find the pieces that respond to your interests:
- The column “Resource Flow Stage tag” enables you to filter resources by the sectors they cover. The tags you can use to filter are Aid, Budgets, Illicit assets, Procurement, Service delivery, and Tech.
- The column “Actor tag” enables you to filter resources by the type of stakeholder that is covered in the resources. The tags you can use to filter are Civil society, Donor, Government, Media, and OGP.
- The column “Governance tag” enables you to filter resources by the governance issues that the resource refers to. The tags you can use to filter are Accountability, Adaptive Management, Corruption, Open data, Participation, Transparency, Policy Response, and Donor Response.
- The column “Why was this included?” enables you to filter resources by the main contribution that the resource does to the debate on COVID, the tags you can use to filter are: Call to Action, Civic Response, Complaint, Experiences, Lessons, Recommendations, Risks, Thought Piece, and Trend.