Les Nouveaux Indicateurs d’Intégrité en Afrique Sont Disponibles!

Par Hazel Feigenblatt — August 26, 2015.   For English click here. Au cours des trois dernières années, Global Integrity et son réseau de plus de 200 chercheurs et évaluateurs africains ont travaillé sans relâche sur une nouvelle évaluation basée sur des indicateurs couvrant les questions de transparence et de redevabilité dans les 54 pays africains.…

Money, Politics, and Transparency: Announcing the Launch of the Campaign Finance Indicators Dataset

By Michael Moses — July 14, 2015. Global Integrity is pleased to announce the launch of the Money, Politics and Transparency website, a cutting edge suite of tools, data, and analyses that digs into the role of money in politics all across the world. The website houses Global Integrity’s Campaign Finance Indicators dataset, a uniquely…

We’re Looking for Research or Journalism Intern

  Global Integrity is looking for a research or journalism intern to start in July. Our ideal candidate will play a key support role for Global Integrity’s research on the States Integrity Investigation project (in partnership with the Center for Public Integrity), is already based in Washington DC, and is able to legally work in the US. Specific responsibilities…