Learning to Open Government: New Evidence to Inform the OGP’s Efforts to Make Change Happen

  By Florencia Guerzovich and Michael Moses June 15, 2016 Global Integrity is excited to present the results of “Learning to Open Government,” a first of its kind examination of how the Open Government Partnership is playing out in practice in five countries: Albania, Costa Rica, Mexico, the Philippines, and Tanzania. We did not evaluate…

Lever of Change? Learning to Make OGP Effective at the Country Level

By Florencia Guerzovich and Michael Moses — October 21, 2015. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) promotes more open, accountable, and responsive governance by challenging reformers in government and civil society to come together to make processes of government more open. Since its inception in 2011, OGP has grown at an extraordinary rate. Sixty-five countries now…