Integrity and Anti-Corruption
Building Bridges for Stronger Systems
We will help address the fragmentation of civil society engagement in the anti-corruption field in three locations (Ghana, Serbia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina), with a focus on health and procurement. Funded by the Open Society Foundations (OSF), we are building on a previous project which supported cross-regional knowledge sharing and peer exchange amongst OSF grantees. The aim is to increase collaboration (and ultimately impact) based on locally-prioritized needs, leveraging diversity, nurturing relationships and harnessing complementarities. In addition, we aim to generate insights about how organizations operating in different parts of the anti-corruption system can strengthen that system for greater effect.
Creating a tailored space for learning and collaboration across regions and sectors, allowing organizations to learn from each other and address current challenges and needs within the health sector, with a focus on emergency procurement.
The topic is relevant across actors and which can be explored by taking account of the specific contextual circumstances in each country while allowing some insights to be transferable so that the whole of the learning journey insights are greater than the sum of its parts.
Global Integrity will develop a learning agenda and help partners navigate the learning process to support collaboration and help them learn how to better address the challenges they face locally.
We would develop a mix of sessions that speak to the interests of each organization tailored to specific challenges each organization is working to address in its specific context.
Learning Resources:
Law Scanner in Serbia, Transparency International – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC)
Countries Involved
- Ghana
- Bosnia
- Serbia