Learning with Integrity: The Global Integrity Learning Journey

For nearly 20 years, Global Integrity has contributed to anti-corruption efforts that improve public service delivery outcomes by producing cutting-edge research, strengthening local responses, and building an extensive global network of governance reformers.

Read this final report to learn about our journey as we near the sunset of the organization in December 2023.

Global Integrity Impact Report 2022

As an organization, we are rooted in supporting people as they test and learn from interventions and strategies. Turning that mirror onto
ourselves, here’s what we learned this year and how we will embed those lessons into our future work at Global Integrity.

Lessons from Across Africa: Stories of Better Health Sector Service Delivery through Advocacy that Elevates Local Voices (CTAP Guidance Note #2)

The COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability Project (CTAP) aims to increase the use of evidence to improve governments’ response to COVID-19 and promote multi stakeholder collaboration to strengthen health systems and improve service delivery.
This note focuses on national and local level advocacy strategies and presents several cases where civil society and grassroots organizations have effectively advocated for concrete government responses.

Transnational Collaboration for Better Health: Priorities & Advocacy Strategies in the African Context(CTAP Guidance Note #1)

Across Africa, leaders who design and implement policies have been working with international and regional organizations to help them address health sector challenges during COVID-19 response. As a result, many health sector decisions are shaped by discussions that take place in global and regional spaces, such as the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and the African Union (AU). Common tools and agendas are one way to tackle complex problems brought by the pandemic, with a caveat for observed variance between different country contexts.

Participatory Health Systems Strengthening: Reflections from Malawi and Kenya

Systems thinking is a phrase development practitioners and funders hear often, but isn’t always aligned with the day to day experiences of local actors. It does not have to be that way.

Systems thinking reveals multiple reasons for a problem and multiple solutions. We believe that this approach that can help uncover structural factors underlying a problem.

Global Integrity came to this project to learn about the value and limitations of applying a participatory systems thinking approach (PSTA) that could contribute to better health outcomes, by sparking small, and incremental changes in the system.