Global Integrity Report 2006 – Corruption Notebook – Brazil

Each country assessment contained in the Global Integrity Report (GIR) comprises two core elements: a qualitative Reporter’s Notebook and a quantitative Integrity Indicators scorecard. An Integrity Indicators scorecard assesses the existence, effectiveness, and citizen access to key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through more than 300 actionable indicators. They are scored by a lead in-country researcher…

Global Integrity Report 2006 – Corruption Notebook – Benin

Each country assessment contained in the Global Integrity Report (GIR) comprises two core elements: a qualitative Reporter’s Notebook and a quantitative Integrity Indicators scorecard. An Integrity Indicators scorecard assesses the existence, effectiveness, and citizen access to key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through more than 300 actionable indicators. They are scored by a lead in-country researcher…

Global Integrity Report 2006 – Corruption Notebook – Azerbaijan

Each country assessment contained in the Global Integrity Report (GIR) comprises two core elements: a qualitative Reporter’s Notebook and a quantitative Integrity Indicators scorecard. An Integrity Indicators scorecard assesses the existence, effectiveness, and citizen access to key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through more than 300 actionable indicators. They are scored by a lead in-country researcher…

Global Integrity Report 2006 – Corruption Notebook – Armenia

Each country assessment contained in the Global Integrity Report (GIR) comprises two core elements: a qualitative Reporter’s Notebook and a quantitative Integrity Indicators scorecard. An Integrity Indicators scorecard assesses the existence, effectiveness, and citizen access to key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through more than 300 actionable indicators. They are scored by a lead in-country researcher…

Global Integrity Report 2006 – Corruption Notebook – Argentina

Each country assessment contained in the Global Integrity Report (GIR) comprises two core elements: a qualitative Reporter’s Notebook and a quantitative Integrity Indicators scorecard. An Integrity Indicators scorecard assesses the existence, effectiveness, and citizen access to key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through more than 300 actionable indicators. They are scored by a lead in-country researcher…

Global Integrity Report 2006 – Key Findings

The Global Integrity Report (GIR) is an essential guide to anti-corruption institutions and mechanisms around the world, intended to help policymakers, advocates, journalists and citizens identify and anticipate the areas where corruption is more likely to occur within the public sector. The Report evaluates both anti-corruption legal frameworks and the practical implementation and enforcement of…